Saturday, March 10, 2012

Jrocket and "[WARN] Use of -Djrockit.optfile is deprecated and discouraged"

Hello Technical Family,

In this post, I am going to discuss the Jrocket and its error during the Weblogic Startup. This Error may not impact the install but since it is deprecated - it make sense to fix it. I had to do some hours of research and would not want other people to do the same - hence posting here. What I get out of this - A pure satisfaction that someone out there will read this post and apply the solution. 

The platform is OS= RedHat 5.5 x86_64 with jrockit-jdk1.6.0_29-R28.2.2-4.1.0-linux-x64


During the Weblogic Server startup - I saw the following error in the logs:

[WARN] Use of -Djrockit.optfile is deprecated and discouraged.


This is what I had to do, to get this issue gone from the logs and make Jrocket like what it wants to do.

1- I put the following into the environment variable in weblogic domain environment file.

-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions  -XX:OptFile=${COMMON_COMPONENTS_HOME}/modules/oracle.jrf_11.1.1/jrocket_optfile.txt

2- Recreated the jrocket_optfile.txt as :


- oracle/bpel/services/workflow/repos/driver/WFTask
- oracle/bpel/services/workflow/task/model/SystemMessageAttributesTypeImpl.*
- oracle/bpel/services/workflow/task/model/TaskTypeImpl.*
- oracle/bpel/services/workflow/task/model/SystemAttributesTypeImpl.*
- oracle/bpel/services/workflow/repos/Util.*
- oracle/xquery/parser/XPathTokenManager.*


match: ["",
enable: jit

Restart the Weblogic and you just resolved another issue.

Great feeling - right...

Enjoy life as it comes - It will be less of good times and more of bad times - but hey I try to find the refuge in solving the issue as I have yet to see the good time since last 11 years !!


  1. Thank you for the share, however I'm not yet minding to fix it, it's good to know I can find it here. :)

  2. Hi, I am moving from JRockit to Hotspot JDK, what do we do with this option, will it work for Hotspot JDK also?
